To go live, you need to configure CloudBeds settings as followed details.

  1. Setup “Policies”: Reservation status should be “Confirmation Pending” while awaiting payment. You can find more information about ‘Polices’ [here].

2. Setup “Payment Options” – disable “Credit Card” in “Booking Engine”. Allow “Visa” in “Dashboard” and “Booking Engine”

3. Setup “Payment Options” – enable “Bank Transfer” in “Booking Engine”

4. Setup “Payment Options” – disable “PayPal” in “Booking Engine”

5. Setup “Customize the Booking Engine”: insert “Custom Meta Tags” and “Custom Meta Tags (Confirmation Page)” value provided by MECX-TECH

[Custom Meta Tags] You can change Online Payments to your payment methods.

<style type="text/css">
:root {
--mecx-label-title: 'Online Payments';
--mecx-label-detail: 'You will be redirected to payment page after click "Pay Now".';
--mecx-button-title: 'Pay Now';
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

[Custom Meta Tags (Confirmation Page Only] and JavaScript Code (Confirmation Page Only).

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
let mecx_pay_message = "Please wait a moment, we are now redirecting you to the payment process...";

6. Setup “Email Template”: Edit “Pending Confirmation” email template to include the payment link.

7. Setup “Email Template”: checked on “Autofill All Languages” incase that you want to change all at once.

8. Setup “Email Template”: Insert the payment link that provided by MECX-TECH.

Please change hotel-name to your hotel name as kebab-case ( ).

Payment Link for [conf number]:[conf number]

Kindly note that we have blocked the rooms for your reservation and given within 1 hour of booking date thereof to settle. In case the online payment is not duly received within the specified validity, the reservation will be cancelled and automatically released. You are then required to re-book at the prevailing rates and availability.

Copyright 2022. MECX-TECH. All rights reserved.